
In response to the Prime Minister on free COVID-19 testing

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Hon. Philip Davis, Q.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Only this PM would respond to a reporter’s question about free COVID testing with insults and partisan politics.

Many countries offer free testing to their citizens, including Turks and Caicos. A successful COVID policy requires a government dedicated to finding and isolating the virus through expanded testing. Instead, his weak testing policy means too many cases go undiagnosed and he can only slow transmission by locking Bahamians up nights and weekends, hurting families and local businesses.

Once again, as he has since the beginning, the Prime Minister pointed to all the countries who are failing to contain the virus, as if he could use them as a shield from criticism. And once again, we invite him to look at and learn from the success stories, especially in the Caribbean. Get it together, PM. Too much is at stake.