Statement From Senator JoBeth Coleby-Davis
Leader of the Opposition Pro Tempore in The Senate
On The Misleading Communication of Senator Carl Bethel on the PLP In The Senate
For Immediate Release
11 November 2019
I have spoken with Senator Fred Mitchell our Leader in the Senate who is with the Leader of the Opposition Philip Brave Davis in Doha on official party business. I told him how exercised we were today in the Senate over the decision to allow a misleading communication in the Senate by the Government’s leader Carl Bethel. Senator Bethel also knows that it is against the rules of the Senate to allow communications that invite debate and our controversial.
The fact that the communication was allowed proves the very point that our party has been trying to make. There is a fundamental weakness in the leadership of the Senate and the conduct of its affairs. That was evident today when this communication, full of misleading statements and invective, was allowed.
The PLP makes this simple point. The Senate President Kay Forbes Smith finds herself in a conflict between her duty to the Senate, the legislative branch of Government over which she presides and that of her duty to the Executive branch of the Government. She must not do both. She must choose.
Thankfully she did not appear today for the first reading of this new hurricane bill. She needs to go further and resolve the ultimate conflict and step away from one of the roles.
It does not matter how much invective the Attorney General uses; it matters not that the majority exercises raw power in this matter: wrong is still wrong and right is still right.
What the President is doing is simply wrong.