
On the 56th anniversary of Black Tuesday

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Statement by the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party

On this day, the 27th April, we remember Black Tuesday, a seminal moment and a turning point in the fight for civil rights, freedom, equality and social justice in the epic journey toward the landmark event of Majority Rule on 10th January 1967.

On this day fifty-six years ago, the Father of the Nation, Sir Lynden Pindling, threw the Mace, the ceremonial symbol of the Speaker’s power and authority, out of the window of the House of Assembly in a dispute over the vexing practice of gerrymandering by the then governing United Bahamian Party. Sir Lynden argued that since true power resided with the people and the people were outside of Parliament, the ceremonial Mace should therefore be with the people.

We thank Sir Lynden Pindling, the Most Honorable Arthur D. Hanna, Sir Arthur Foulkes, Sir Milo Butler Sr. Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, and the countless courageous freedom fights including the late Effie Walkes who stood in the vanguard of change against insurmountable odds and personal risks for the greater national good.

The Bahamas is today a far better place because of their uncommon courage and principled stand against tyranny and injustice.

We will never forget as today the struggle continues.