
On political gatherings and campaign practices

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The Progressive Liberal Party takes note of the public comments attributed to the country’s Chief Medical Officer regarding political gatherings in the current COVID environment and attendant health and safety regulations.

In light of these comments, the leader of the Progressive Liberal Party has ordered a review of all the campaign practices. In all campaign activities, the party seeks to adhere to all of the health and safety protocols already in place. Specifically, the leadership is directing all campaign teams to remind all canvassers and pollsters of the protocols, to reinforce them by ensuring consistent compliance. Principal among these health and safety practices are the wearing of a masks, proper and frequent hand sanitizing and physical distancing.

Further, canvassers are urged where possible to speak to electors or constituents on or from the outside of their homes.

The party is also reviewing outside poltical gatherings to ensure that the exuberance of the campaign does not violate these rules. We have also caused for a manual to be printed which offers guidance to campaign teams as we reinforce these COVID-19 rules.

Upon further review, we will amend as necessary.