
Message from Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis on the delayed reopening of Club Med at Columbus Isle

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Hon. Philip Davis, Q.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Hello to all of the residents on San Salvador and especially the employees, vendors and contractors of Club Mediterranean Columbus Isle Resort.

This is Philip Brave Davis, your member of Parliament for for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador. Today is Tuesday, 15 September 2020.

I am well aware of your economic challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I know that you have been cooperative and compliant with the various health and safety protocols issued by the government because like me and thousands of Bahamians, you wish San Salvador to return to a state of normalcy in the shortest time possible. I stand with you in this regard.

I am therefore deeply concerned to learn of the postponement of the reopening of Club Med until December 2021. As we all know, this news is economically devastating.

I also note a troubling trend. Every time the FNM is in office, this important resort and economic lifeline is closed and it takes a PLP government to cause for its reopening.

This is a grave economic injustice and disservice to the good and hard working people of San Salvador. 

They deserve much better.

I am not satisfied that the government has and is doing enough to address the concerns of the resort to facilitate the reopening of Club Med in a reasonable time frame consistent with the government’s national economic reopening policy.

We in the PLP demand  that the Government commits itself to providing the necessary and required health care, safety and other material support Club Med needs to open this facility by Christmas, 2020.

The government cannot be seen to be awol and non responsive in respect to the resort’s expressed concerns and Club Med’s decision to delay the reopening of its Columbus Isles property until December 2021.

I pledge to continue to lend my voice of advocacy to and support for your cause which is a return to a life of normalcy, buttressed by a robust return of the economic health and vitality of San Salvador.

The reopening of Club Med at Columbus Isles by this Christmas is central to that.

I encourage you to continue to sanitize your hands, surfaces, to wear your masks, to practice social distancing and to avoid large gatherings.

May God continue to bless San Salvador and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.