
On Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (NO. 2) Orders, 2020

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Hon. Philip Brave Davis, Q.C., M.P.,

23rd March 2020

This morning the Prime Minister and I met to discuss the implementation of the latest Emergency Powers COVID-19 Orders, Number Two, in response to the growing threat of COVID-19.

These measures are to expire on the 31st March 2020, at which time the government has promised to revisit all of these emergency measures.

It is widely agreed that these measures are absolutely necessary to mitigate against the further spread of the Coronavirus.

I reiterate to all Bahamians and residents residing in The Bahamas to exercise self discipline and comply with these latest round of emergency measures which are designed to safeguard and protect the lives, health and general wellbeing of all Bahamians and residents.

These measures are in line with World Health Organization guidelines.

The Progressive Liberal Party will continue to monitor these developments, the impact these measures are having on our country and assist in this national effort to combat this public health crisis.

I encourage each Bahamian and resident to take full responsibility for their health and the health of their family by doing his or her part to achieve the best possible outcome for our country.
