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Hon. Philip Davis, Q.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas

The PLP stands with the victims of the devastating fire in the Englerston community. A number of homes were completely destroyed and some badly damaged as a result of fire on Sunday night (2 May 2021) in the Balfour Avenue area, in Nassau. A number of families have been drastically affected.

As Chairman, I am not at all surprised by how PLP officers and concerned residents so quickly responded to help the fire victims. The party thanks these concerned residents and its officers, specifically the member for Englerston, Glenys Hanna-Martin, the PLP candidate for Marathon, Lisa Rahming, and the PLP candidate for Golden Gates, Pia Glover Rolle, who were all at the scene of the fire rendering hands-on assistance to the affected families.

Our Leader, the Hon. Philip Brave Davis, did what he has always done under these circumstances and continues to do quietly without fanfare for decades. He showed up and rendered hands on support for those in need.

The destruction of this fire now compounds the challenges being faced by a significant number of Bahamian families. Chief among them are a frightening rise in coronavirus cases, unemployment, and a near death economy strapped with uncertainties.

The PLP will continue to stand with the residents of Balfour and call on the government to demonstrate the care, compassion, and competence required to deliver immediate relief.

As we remind the people of Balfour and the wider Bahamas about the power of prayers, we commend and highlight the dedicated work carried out by the Fire Department of the Royal Bahamas Police Force during Sunday’s blaze.

We appeal to our supporters and Bahamians of goodwill to assist in the relief efforts for the affected families. Please send all donations to the attention of the Secretary General of the PLP at our party’s Headquarters on Farrington Road.