Sen. Fred Mitchell
Chairman of The Progressive Liberal Party
A letter is circulating in the public domain under the signature of Lanisha Rolle MP resigning from the Cabinet and the government. Our sources have confirmed that the letter is genuine.
The resignation of four government ministers in a single term having to go under a cloud of suspicion for a prime minister who has only served in one term is precedented. The wheels are falling off this FNM wagon one by one and the FNM government is falling apart at the seams and collapsing on its own.
The Prime Minister must explain why the Minister has resigned. The backstory is the completion of a comprehensive audit of ministry expenditure.
If the Prime Minister does not say, the PLP will encourage those FNM contractors who complained of the peculiar and onerous terms with which they had to comply when dealing with that ministry of sports.
Dr. Minnis has lost the sole woman among his Cabinet colleagues. This is a huge setback for the cause of women empowerment in public life.
The Prime Minister has a public duty to be full and frank in explaining to the Bahamian people the reasons and circumstances that led to Minister Rolle’s resignation.
In light of a reported ongoing audit at the Youth and Sports Ministry, the PLP would support a full investigation by the Public Accounts Committee to investigate public accounts at this ministry.