Hon. Glenys Hanna Martin, M.P.
Opposition Spokesperson on Social Services
Peter Turnquest owes the Bahamian people an apology for what is nothing other than an assault on those among us who struggle from day to day to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.
The rank arrogance displayed in his so-called clarification only serves to demonstrate his inability to humble himself and apologize for his condescending, insensitive and insulting words.
This attitude speaks volumes about the man we thought we knew.
Mr. Turnquest’s effort to hide behind the government-announced feeding programme is a pathetic attempt to undermine the intelligence of the Bahamian people. We all know that you said what you meant and you meant what you said Mr. Turnquest.
You have insulted the many who sacrifice daily to adhere to the emergency orders as patriotic Bahamians. Where we are today is no fault of the poor and the downtrodden and has nothing to do with how meager resources are spent in the foodstore or what people have in their kitchen cupboards.
We are forced to ask Mr. Turnquest: where is your heart? – do you have a soul? Where is your compassion?
Apologize or Leave!