Hon. Philip Davis, Q.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas
My Fellow Bahamians.
Easter, which is the heart of the Christian faith that celebrates the triumph of life over death, acquires a peculiar meaning and relevance in context of the invisible enemy – COVID-19.
For the most part, we might be disappointed that we cannot gather at our church buildings; we cannot gather at our beaches and backyards, and we cannot make homecomings to the Family Islands.
Moreover, many among us are battling the scourge of COVID-19, and, sadly, some have died. More will become sick and more will likely die. That is a sad reality.
Many among us are unemployed or underemployed. Hard times are with us and will remain for the foreseeable future.
In spite of our circumstance, the message and the mystery of Christ Alive remain unchanged; and they are, in this moment, even more meaningful.
Our faith tells us that the message and the mystery of Christ Alive are larger and more enduring than COVID-19.
Faith and hope are the guiding edicts of the Resurrection Story. “Be not afraid!” God is with us.
The same message was addressed to the women at the empty tomb and they echo with pointed relevance today and always.
I urge all Bahamians and residents to listen to the wisdom of the professionals in science, medicine, and public heath – all of whom are working diligently to guide us through uncharted waters.
I thank the doctors, nurses, physicians and nursing assistants, pharmacists, laboratory workers, hospital cleaners, transport officers, and all other ancillary workers who are on the frontline for their tireless work during this exceptional time, caring for the sick and seeking to contain the spread.
I also thank those who keep the peace – police and defence force officers, prison officers – and those who protect our borders – customs and immigration officers.
I thank the administrative and technical officers in the various government ministries and departments that ensure that the money, material, and manpower are available to support the work of the frontline.
Above all, I thank the people of The Bahamas, who for the most part, understand their roles and sacrifice their freedoms to ensure that we “flatten the curve” and get through this with minimal casualties.
Yesterday, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II reminded us that “Easter isn’t cancelled.” She also said, “as dark as death can be – particularly for those suffering with grief – light and life are greater.” I fully concur.
My Brothers and Sisters.
My fellow Bahamians.
At Easter, the Risen Christ makes all things new. He sustains us in our vulnerability, guides us through darkness, and reconciles us with the source of life.
Because of this, we know that caring, sharing, encouraging and hoping are characteristics that will assist our journey.
These watchwords recognise that, as a country, we are a vulnerable whole. As such, we are called to solidarity.
It is in this spirit of solidarity that my parliamentary colleagues, the leadership team and members of the Progressive Liberal Party; and I with my dear wife Ann Marie and our children, wish all of you “Happy Easter!”
Jesus Christ is alive!
12th April 2020